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What is Legacy Matters (LM)?
LM markets simplified-life products designed to offer seniors more guaranteed options for their retirement nest egg.
Can you give me more details on the life products offered by LM?
The products are a cross between a fixed annuity and a life product. Firstly, the products are simplified underwritten, so the advisor will spend about 15 minutes on the process. A tax-free death benefit is offered, and a guaranteed return of premium exists on the policies. One product even offers an interest yield comparable to fixed annuities.
Does LM still work for a senior who owns a fixed annuity?
Absolutely. Many seniors have too much of their assets in volatile assets so LM can diversify their nest egg into another type of safe alternative.
What is a “guaranteed return of premium” (grop)?
It’s basically a money-back guarantee feature; all funds deposited can be withdrawn at anytime without a surrender charge. So your client can purchase LM and change their mind whenever they choose. Virtually no fixed annuity offers a grop feature. It’s a huge selling tool. This applies to 100% of the funds and does not include the interest accumulated.
Is the underwriting process difficult?
No. Clients need to be healthy and we would suggest to ask the pre-application questions to your clients to make sure LM works for them. The pre-app also will save you from wasting your time.
Do I have to sell through my broker/dealer?
No you don’t. It’s a life insurance product, and most firms allow you to sell insurance through independent channels. Here’s another benefit of selling LM. Please check with your firm for confirmation.
How can I start selling LM?
Email us today and we will forward to you all the necessary information. The illustration will sell the product for you. An LM illustration will show your client much better it is to own a LM product versus a typical fixed annuity! Get appointed today.
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