Earl's Golden Nuggets 06 Web Post Header 02

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I got this headline last week: “Yellen says price cap on Russian oil is one of the most powerful tools we have to fight inflation.” Yellen is not this moronic. This is an attention/distraction grab for Americans to see and believe. It’s a blatant lie and actually a price cap will cause supply scarcity and no supply. Black markets with much higher prices (inflation) will ensue. It’s sad when officials can spew propaganda with no consequences…

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I was in Spain last month and I was excited to see the discounts available to me, since we have dollar/euro parity going now. No such thing. I paid a 13.98% mark up getting Euros from ATMs. Money grab from EU I’m sure. Don’t allow Americans to grab cheap goods. Wasn’t the Euro created to make the exchange process seamless and efficient while paying lower spreads? It’s all about control with governments…

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The word of the day is; CONTAGION. When all those European corporations go belly up, what’s going to happen to all the banks and institutions that are holding their bonds? And who’s holding their debt? And so on. Contagion is real and it could be bigger than ever. Now, It will be much more difficult bailing out entities when the Euro zone currently teeters on the brink of destruction. Re-read Simon’s quote again…

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Warning: With all this risk, play it safe. Real safe. Integrity at 3.80% (avg. yield) for 4 years is perfect. Highly rated, conservative, decent yield and only for 4 years. Don’t reach for yield now and move more assets into pure guarantees. And, move funds into conservative insurer. Your senior clients can’t take excessive risk!

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I cancelled my gym membership because I am tired of having teams of teenage boys gathering around workout stations and not working out. These damn boys think it’s a hang out joint. The gym is the video arcade of the 2020s. I told management but they just nod and agree. I walked out and will not return.