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I’m a big fan of fixed index products (FIAs) in NY. But clients often equate their holdings with an investment. As an advisor, make sure you stress the guarantees and not the stock market. FIAs are fixed products with a “stock kicker,” or maybe an account with some inflation protection. The product absolutely has its place in a senior portfolio, but as a safety account…


Martha Stewart went to prison for inside information that avoided a $58,000 loss. But we now have Fed presidents trading REITS at a million $ a clip. Will they go to prison? Ahhh, no…

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U.S. retailers think they’re immune to China’s Evergrande crisis. Well, they are wrong. Supply chains will be hit because China manufacturers have borrowed against their properties to finance production. As property values sink, lines of credit will be cut or reduced. Financial contagion effects more than just the markets…

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The firm Robinhood is seeking new customers; on college campuses! Robinhood has a marketing campaign to get more teens trading stocks while studying. Aren’t we parents paying $70K to send kids to college? We parents must be part of the most gullible generation of all-time! Can society create even more vices for our kids to experience?? It’s Shameful…

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The next BEAR Market will be different;
I repeat; the next BEAR Market will be different.
Valuations have NEVER been higher.
Debt Levels have NEVER been higher.
Are your senior clients ready?
Make some calls and start moving assets into no volatility products…