Earl's Golden Nuggets 06 Web Post Header 02

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I think retirement will be a “remember when” concept in the future. Similar to those dated pre-2008 ads showing seniors walking the beach hand and hand. America had virtually no inflation for 25 years due to cheap Chinese exports. We were the world’s best consumers. But I have a strange feeling things are in the process of changing…

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Yep, parts of the world are revolting against the dollar folks. I don’t know what kind of change will occur. But I hope it resembles the 1980s and 90s…Don’t you agree?

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Over time, the three biggest factors that tend to drive the U.S. economy into recession are an inverted yield curve, some kind of commodity price shock or Fed tightening. Check, check, and check…

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I’ve seen this for myself; any child can be turned into a cross-country runner as long as she has the desire to train hard. A passion to compete is vital as well. I’m not saying they will win. This statement pertains to college admission assistance primarily. Cross-country will help them get into colleges that may have been off-limits without the sport. Train them early. No experience necessary.


Interest rates will stay below real rates (interest rates – inflation) forever. The Fed needs low real rates to help manage the biggest debt load in world history. So higher inflation may not raise interest rates at all. In my opinion, earning around 3% is decent for a chunk of your nest egg. And you can “index” your savings accounts with more “inflation-type” protection. Contact NestEgg for more direction in these crazy markets…