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In the WSJ this weekend, Henry Kissinger basically said the U.S. Govt is tempting China and Russia into WWIII. You do realize that Mr. Kissinger has been deemed a “war monger” for the last 50 years? Even Henry is running scared now…

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Speaking of Mr. Kissinger, I lived on East 52nd Street for 10 years, right across the street from Kissinger. Every morning he would walk his black dog, while always being trailed by his bodyguard. Ironically, I remember Putin would visit him at his home every year during the United Nations Week. The block was closed off to all traffic. I miss those uninteresting times…

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Annuity company back-office problems still exist. Often we get different information from different employees. So it becomes difficult to learn and pass the information on to producers. Insurers move the goal posts constantly on us. Nonetheless, we will get through it. We are progressing but the process is slow. Thank you for your quick response when items are needed.

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Bull rally inside of a bear market? Are we in a recession yet? Are you worried about inflation after the latest 8.5% yoy numbers? Markets still overpriced or does valuation even matter anymore? Are things different now?? Listen, all I know is the upside for markets has been decreased. And risk/volatility has only gone up.
A solution: US Life FIA 5 Year–3 indices with a 7.25% Cap, No Risk or Volatility, 10% Liquidity and a 1% worse-case guarantee annually. And a solid company. A recession will surely bring about bankruptcies and financial instability. Contact NestEgg for more info.

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What I’ve learned; the U.S. had gotten cheap goods from China for 40 years. This is how we kept prices down on so many items. 70% of our economy is purchasing consumer goods/consumption. China has put an end to our relationship. Unless demand for goods drops off the table, inflation is all but certain for a decent part of our economy. The omnipotent supply/demand curve will tell the story in the future. It always does…