Earl's Golden Nuggets 06 Web Post Header 02

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Market risk and volatility is enveloping when “the everything bubble” starts to lose steam. Seniors may have too much portfolio risk, and they may see their home values take a hit soon. Locked-in guarantees with sound insurers is my recommendation. Annuity rates are over 3%, and we can help you with the process. Contact NestEgg if you need advice…

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Michael says it way better than I have the last few months:
“In all seriousness, this is perhaps the most disturbing investing environment anyone has ever seen. It is worse than 2008 and 2020.” — Michael A. Gayed, CFA

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Not that I concur, however I do believe the following has some merit:
“Imagine if a new CEO & management team took over McDonalds, nixed the Big Mac, switched to sweet potato fries, limited one McNugget per customer, and cancelled coffee. And when business tanked they refused to change and blamed the customers. This is what’s happening to America…” — Erich Hartmann


I learned one thing living in NYC for 30 years; tipping, or greasing as they say in NY, is well worth the expense. I am now tipping every worker that delivers or completes a job for me at my home or office. I just tipped my sub-par lawn care guy and I think he will finally take pride and want to do a thorough job. And also, the American worker needs to be told thank you once in awhile…

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The Insurer back-office is dead. I repeat. The insurer back-office we have known is now dead. What does it mean for you? It means your new business now takes 2-3 times longer than before 2020. Start your Reg. 60 business 2 months early and prepare your clients for delays. And most importantly, those 30-day MYGA windows need to be addressed a month or two earlier than before. Contact NestEgg for more info and support.