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Simple reason why The Fed wants to shape the yield curve at all costs: none of them–not a one–has the faintest clue of the importance of price discovery or, for that matter, free markets. They think a committee of a dozen should set the price of capital and assets. Question is: how do you think this ends?

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Interesting baseball article in WSJ last week. MLB said the actual baseball this season will be less home run-friendly, i.e., the ball won’t be wound as tight as in past years. What this means is that MLB has lied to the fans. We were told the baseballs are the same every year. They had no idea why the game had so many home runs. All lies. What I loved back then was MLB said the baseball was left up to the company that makes the baseball; Spalding. Who owns Spalding? Your honor, that would be Major League Baseball. I rest my case…

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This is the craziest stock market ever. We have created a casino for investing. Now combine that with the fact that seniors have so much in these markets due to low yields. Timing is not my forte, but I do know a hysteria when its in front of me. Guarantees and safety are a good thing. More than ever. Move more assets of seniors into guaranteed-type products. Start reallocating today. Let NestEgg help you.

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Now all the investment talking heads are declaring inflation alive and well. It’s definitely possible due to supply chain disruptions due to Covid. But is that a near-term problem? We have millions and millions of Americans still out of work. Deflation may be back bigly when markets comprehend the pain on Main Street. Markets could collapse and interest rates could go back to zero. Stay tuned; I guess we have no choice…


If deflation is still on the table, take a look at the SBLI Legacy Solutions SPUL. It’s a bank-type product, so it’s simple and consumer-friendly. Your healthy mature client receives a death benefit and a yield comparable to a fixed annuity. The “get out of jail free” feature sets it apart from other products. Client can surrender at any time and get back 100% of their deposit. The illustration is powerful. Great for funds sitting in bank accounts or money markets. Contact us for more info.